Thomas A. Edison seniors and New Visions Academy students, Alivia Bower and Amanda Hatfield, held a successful fundraiser for the Chemung County SPCA! 'Dancers for Dogs' brought together the community to enjoy dancing performances and raise funds and supplies!
6 months ago, New Visions Health Bush Campus
The excitement is building here at the GST Science Center as the April 8 Solar Eclipse event gets closer! Check out these orreries completed recently. #ProudToBeGST
6 months ago, GST Science Center
GST Science Center
GST BOCES Coopers Campus is proud to recognize our February Top of the Trade students! A student from each career technical education program was selected for their hard work, perseverance, attendance and positive attitude. Congratulations to all students. #PROUDTOBEGST
6 months ago, GST BOCES Coopers Campus
Top Of The Trade
Top Of The Trade
Top Of The Trade
Bush Campus New Visions Health students Mallory Patchen and Courtney Fernan organized a fundraiser and collected much needed donations for Bampa's House Corning Comfort Care. #ProudToBeGST
6 months ago, New Visions Health Bush Campus
Coopers Heavy Equipment seniors spent three days in all-day trainings to receive their two-year CPR/First Aid certification from AMR, as well as their two-year soil and water erosion control certification from the soil and water district. #PROUDTOBEGST
6 months ago, Coopers Heavy Equipment
Coopers Heavy Equipment students practicing life saving CPR
2 yr certification
Students taking their errosion control certification
2 yr errosion control certification
Send GST BOCES Bush Campus FFA members to summer camp at Oswegatchie by sponsoring a duck in the AdironDUCK Race. Proceeds will offset camp fees. To sponsor a duck, go to and designate GST Bush as the FFA chapter you wish to support. #ProudToBeGST
6 months ago, GST BOCES Marketing & PR
The GST BOCES ASD program is holding a used book sale fundraiser this weekend at Thomas Edison High School. #ProudToBeGST
6 months ago, GST BOCES Autism Program
Book Sale
As a STEM Academy student, you can experience the rich cultural activities on campus offered to traditional college students through our strong partnership with SUNY Corning Community College. #PROUDTOBEGST #Partnerships
6 months ago, STEM Academy, P-TECH
STEM Academy, P-TECH
GST STEM Academy Chapter 2 students study genocides across history in Global History and Geography II and ELA 11. Their answer to the essential question, “How do we honor victims of genocide?” is presented in this yearly museum. #PROUDTOBEGST
6 months ago, STEM Academy, P-TECH
STEM Academy, P-TECH
Wildwood Cosmetology students had the honor of working with two guests during our clinic who graciously donated 10+ inches of hair each to go to Children with Hair Loss. #ProudToBeGST
6 months ago, GST BOCES Marketing & PR
GST BOCES Wildwood Cosmetology
GST STEM Academy Chapter 2 students study genocides across history in Global History and Geography II and ELA 11. Their answer to the essential question, “How do we honor victims of genocide?” was presented in this yearly museum. #PROUDTOBEGST
6 months ago, STEM Academy, P-TECH
STEM Academy, P-TECH
Wildwood Cosmetology seniors practicing eye lash extensions. #PROUDTOBEGST #KnowledgeableatGSTBOCES #GSTBOCESprograms
6 months ago, GST BOCES Marketing & PR
GST BOCES Cosmetology
GST BOCES Cosmetology
We are so thankful to the Elmira River Sharks for visiting our ASD crew at Thomas Edison yesterday. All students got to meet the players and take pictures with them. Everyone was able to show off their hockey skills with a game of hallway hockey!
6 months ago, GST BOCES ASD Program
One of our GST BOCES Bath High School Host Site students is exploring the field of education during Work Study. She created a game and played it with students in one of the other Bath Host Site classes. #PROUDTOBEGST #GSTBOCESculture #GSTBOCESDEI
6 months ago, GST BOCES Marketing & PR
GST BOCES host site
Thank you to the industry partners who spoke with Coopers Heavy Equipment students at the 2024 LICA conference. Students learned about potential internships, employment opportunities and other options for after graduation, as well as got to sit in on some trainings. #PROUDTOBEGST
7 months ago, Coopers Heavy Equipment
2024 LICA conference
Learning about apprenticeships
Five Star Equipment
Trench Safety training
Monroe Tractor
Waiting for confined space training
Milton Cat
STEM Academy teacher Ms. Hill makes Global History & Geography II review fun. #Collaboration #TeamBuilding #ResponsetoFeedback #PROUDTOBEGST
6 months ago, STEM Academy, P-TECH
STEM Academy, P-TECH
Wildwood Campus Criminal Justice students worked with Chief Frank Brzozowski from the Hornell Fire Department. Students learned skills like packing a wound & applying a tourniquet. Stop the Bleed & Narcan Training were also taught. #PROUDTOBEGST #CommunityOrientedatGSTBOCES
6 months ago, GST BOCES Marketing & PR
GST BOCES Wildwood Campus Criminal Justice
February is for 'FUN' in Ms. Crystal and Ms. Kelli's class! These little love bugs celebrated Valentine's Day and the 100th day of school in style! #PROUDTOBEGST #GSTBOCESculture
6 months ago, GST BOCES ASD Program
Please join us for the presentation of our Genocide Museum, Wednesday, May 28 from 5:30-7:00 PM at SUNY Corning CC Campus, Steuben Hall, 2nd Floor. STEM Academy Chapter 2 students will present their museum designed to honor victims and survivors of genocides. #PROUDTOBEGST
6 months ago, STEM Academy, P-TECH
STEM Academy, P-TECH
GST BOCES Phoenix Academy Floor Hockey team, the Phoenix Fury, took second place and brought home a Silver Medal from the NYS Special Olympics Winter Games in Syracuse! All students did a great job and showed exceptional sportsmanship and team effort. We are #PROUDTOBEGST
6 months ago, GST BOCES Marketing & PR
Phoenix Fury
Special Olympics Silver Medal