GST BOCES Adult Education will be offering a Nurse Aide Training Program starting December 4, 2023 and ending January 23, 2024. This 120 hour program will meet Monday through Thursday from 8:30am-4:00pm at our Langdon Plaza Campus. Space is limited, call today to register! (607) 739-7905.
This program is designed to prepare the student for employment as a Certified Nurse Aide. The course includes basic information about the care of hospitalized patients and residents in a Skilled Nursing Facility as well as taking care of individuals in their homes. Topics covered include patient’s and resident’s rights, medical terminology and basic anatomy and physiology. Skills taught range from bathing and bed-making to taking the temperature, pulse and respirations. At the end of the program students will take the New York State Nurse Aide examination.
Navy scrubs and solid color shoes (ONLY black or white. NO crocs) will be required for clinical experience, but not provided.
Students interested in taking this program will need to take the TABE Assessment. This is a free basic reading and math placement test to determine program eligibility. The TABE is offered at various locations throughout our region weekly. Call (607) 739-7905 to get signed up today!
Learn more about Adult Education opportunities on our Adult Education webpage. Questions about Adult Education opportunities? Click here to reach out.