Work Experience
CTE Work Experience

Having the opportunity to participate in a work experience takes CTE students beyond the classroom and into the workplace, giving them on-the-job work experience and exposure to the skills needed to be successful in a career.
Internship Program
During an internship, students are assigned to observe and participate in a variety of activities related to their curriculum at a local worksite, working under the direction of an employed adult and learning first hand about local employment opportunities. Internships generally take place during BOCES class time, but may take place after school hours depending on employer needs.
Internships normally last from two to eight weeks and are unpaid. Students are covered by the BOCES liability insurance policy during their internships.
GST BOCES students are often hired for part-time, summer, or full-time jobs as a direct result of their performance during their internships. Click here for the Internship brochure.
Cooperative Work Experience
Eligible students may also participate in a cooperative work experience, a paid work experience done after school or during the summer. Credit may be awarded for successful completion of a co-op. Click here for the Cooperative Work Experience brochure.
Many area employers participate in the GST BOCES work experience program, including local, county and state government agencies, school districts and colleges,hospitals, nursing homes, dental offices, and employers from the private business sector.
To be eligible to participate in the internship program, CTE Program students must:
Be recommended by their instructor.
Have a good attendance record.
Display positive work habits and attitudes.
Demonstrate good safety habits.
Display acceptable skill levels in their programs.
Student interns are expected to:
Once internship is arranged, complete the Work Experience Agreement and Training Plan. Click here for the Bush Campus Agreement. Click here for the Wildwood and Coopers Campuses Agreement.
Provide own transportation to internship site.
Conform to rules, regulations and expectations of internship site and CTE Program.
Report to internship site as scheduled. If unable to report immediately, notify work site and work experience coordinator (see Contact Us section, below).
Complete Learning Log/Daily Report and Journal Summary Log
Employers are expected to:
Orient students regarding company expectations/objectives and safety rules.
Define scope of student's internship experience.
Provide supervision of intern's work.
Complete an Evaluation Form for the internship.
Communicate concerns to Work Experience Coordinator.
Maintain an attendance record.
Complete a Student Work Experience Evaluation and a Work Experience Survey at completion of the internship.
Click here for the Guide to a Successful Work Experience.
Employers benefit by:
Becoming a partner in educating young workers, increasing the stability and well-being of our community's workforce.
Having access to skilled and reliable job applicants who may remain employees after graduation.
Contributing to the stability and well-being of our community's workforce
Improving employee morale and motivation by enabling employees to be coaches and teachers.
Providing leadership in the education of the local workforce.
Contact us
For more information on the CTE Program Internship Program, contact the work experience coordinators:
Carolyn Connelly
GST BOCES Bush Campus
(607) 739-3581, ext. 1242
Rich Little
GST BOCES Coopers Campus
(607) 962-3175, ext. 2107
Laurie Crooker
GST BOCES Wildwood Campus
ext. 3143

A CTE Audio Media Design student records a radio commercial at Cool 96 radio station.

An Early Childhood Program student reads to a kindergarten class in a local elementary school.

Two Diesel Technology Program students worked as interns at Monroe Tractor in Horseheads.